Take It To The Top

Oxford United have teamed up with BBC Oxford to bring fans a new way to get their questions to the people at the top.

Starting from next week Chairman Sumrith 'Tiger' Thanakarnjanasuth, Manager Karl Robinson and Managing Director Niall McWilliams will be taking it in turns to answer questions that fans send in to BBC Oxford.

Communications Manager Chris Williams explains:

“It’s something a number of fans have asked us about recently and will hopefully give them a chance to talk directly with Tiger, Niall and Karl. Our former MD Mark Ashton used to have a feature on the radio called ‘Ask Ashton’ where he did a similar thing, but this will be slightly more flexible: one week it will be Tiger, the next Niall, then Karl and so on. There could also be ‘one-off ‘specials’ with Dan Harris at the Academy, or a player, the Community team and so on.

"It’s another great way we are working with our partners at BBC Oxford and we hope it helps fans talk to the people right at the top at the club.".”

You will be able to send questions for the “Five Minute Fans Forums” to BBC Radio Oxford during the sports coverage in the days beforehand and the segment will be broadcast during the sports slots on the drivetime show on 95.2FM between 4 and 7 on Thursday evenings.

The programme is available online and to “listen again”.