Sunderland Tops 10,000

We asked fans to help us spread the word to reach a crowd of over 10,000 for tomorrow's game at home to Sunderland, and with your help we have reached that target for one of the biggest games of the season.

A big thank you to everyone and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow. At lunchtime today the total went past the 10,000 mark which means that, as promised, we owe one lucky fan a season ticket for next season: 

We drew a name at random from all season ticket holders and those who have purchased tickets for the match and we are pleased to announce that Michelle Clarke, who is in the South Stand Lower tomorrow, is the winner of a free season ticket for next year. We will be in touch with her today as well as the final mascot, drawn at random and joining our young fans to lead the teams out

The current total is past 10,100 but there are still seats to be had in all stands  but remember that the match is ALL TICKET and there will be no tickets available on the day so book today to avoid missing out

It's easy to book: just visit  before midday on Saturday or call 01865 337533before 5pm on Friday.

It's going to be a big day at the U's. Be part of it.