From The Dons To Doncaster

Oxford United ended 2019 on a winning note with a 2-1 win at AFC Wimbledon yesterday to end the year in second place in League 1.

“That was the toughest game of the lot” Karl Robinson told iFollow. “Wimbledon lost to Rotherham on the first day then lost another game with only ten men but they have been good at home and it was a big challenge. We knew it would be a full house and there would be an atmosphere but I am so proud of the way we approached it.
“The fans in the away section saw my reaction. I think I bear hugged every single one of the players. They are a tremendous bunch of men. We make mistakes but we learn from them and we are always honest with each other and up front. We care for each other and I think the fans are the same. 
“We want to grow a football club for them organically, not by spending a lot of money like some teams do and then when the next manager comes along there are all sorts of problems. The day that I leave here, whether I get sacked or whatever, you want the club to be in a great position so the next bunch of young people coming through have a team to support, not one that’s dropping down the leagues. 
“Every single one of the players will go home tonight tired but happy and then we are in tomorrow ready for Doncaster. We have a lot of players fresh for that game as well. So we will recover, do what we need to do and then we prep for another away game. 
“This is a really difficult period mentally as well as physically and the freshness of our players really showed today. As a Manager the worry is that you make that many changes after two wins then you only have yourself to blame if it goes wrong. But the people who came in today were magnificent and I am really proud of them all.”