Boxing Day Programme

United have another big day on Boxing Day with the visit of Lincoln City to the Kassam Stadium. It's Oxford's last home game of 2019 and we have produced another top-quality programme for the occasion.

Featuring a big interview with former Lincoln player Rob Dickie, who is also the centrefold poster, as well as interviews with Matty Taylor, Yoav Sade and guest of honour and former Headington United player Alan Hall, there is certainly plent of reading to be had.

We also have lots of match action, editorials, stats and news from all around the club, and a fantastic Moments poster featuring Jim Smith and Malcolm Shotton, who talks to us about the Bald Eagle.

With plenty of information on the opposition, and of course the special edition for away supporters, the programme is available for just £3 all around the ground, in the club shop and J's Bar. You can also buy the online version from so there's no reason to miss out.