U's Team Up With Polythene UK To Become Carbon Neutral

Oxford United are proud to announce, alongside long term club back of shirt sponsor Polythene UK, that moving forwards all plastic bags used in our club retail operations at the Stadium Store and Covered Market Store will be certified as Carbon Neutral.

This certification PAS2050 by the Carbon Trust means that Oxford United is the first football club in the UK to use plastic bags certified in this way. Polythene UK have developed the technology and manufacturing process for these bags using bio (plant) based raw material, and hope that many other clubs will follow Oxford United’s lead in stocking these bags.

A main sponsor of the club since 2010, Polythene UK are delighted to introduce this ground breaking product at the club. Managing Director James Woollard said

“Myself and Polythene UK have been heavily involved with the club for coming up to 10 years, this collaboration will hopefully enable us to make many more people aware that polythene (plastic) bags can now be made from sustainable raw materials and if through football and more importantly through Oxford United then we are onto a winner. Can I take this chance to wish Tiger, Karl, Faz and the team all the best for the rest of the season and beyond, Come on you Yellows!”. 

Commercial and Marketing Director Matt Everett said

“It is fantastic that one of our main sponsors and a locally based company are at the forefront of developing a product which will help the environment moving forward. As soon as we heard about this, it was an easy decision for us to switch our bags. Single use plastics are rightly in the news a lot recently, and whilst we have seen several other clubs reducing the use of single use plastics or switching to paper, we believe we are the first to adopt this carbon neutral approach. If we can help Polythene UK to introduce this product to more football clubs in the UK or further afield as part of our own long term partnership then we will do everything that we can to help.”

Head of Retail at Oxford United, Lee Barton, added “As a club retail department, we are acutely aware of the amount of single use plastics that are used in the industry, and we are actively looking to work with our other suppliers to reduce the volume of single use plastics in the rest of our operations”.

Pictured here at the new Oxford United Training Ground celebrating over eight years of club sponsorship and introducing the bags are Chairman of Oxford United Sumrith 'Tiger' Thanakarnjanasuth, Commercial and Marketing Director Matt Everett, Manager Karl Robinson and Managing Director of Polythene UK James Woollard.

You can read more about the certification here: https://www.carbontrust.com/our-clients/p/polythene-uk/

Or visit the Polythene UK website at https://www.polytheneuk.co.uk/