The Wimbledon View

ere's what Wimbledon have been saying ahead of facing the U's on Saturday.

Assistant Manager Neil Cox on Team Selection:

"Joe Pigott has had a little bit of a cold this week, but he's trained really well this morning,"He likes to do a bit extra as a striker at the end of a session with his finishing. He's back into the squad, so we're nearly all fully there."

On centre-backs Darius Charles and Will Nightingale:

"Both are back in training and both will be in the squad and raring to go. Will has missed a bit of time with a knee injury, but he's back in training again and let's see how we go."

On facing the U's:

"The boys have been really at it the last few days, we just want Saturday to come really. There have been a few nice challenges and a few nice tackles going in. They are getting ready and are raring to go! They've got the bit between their teeth and let's get started! We split them into groups and let them organise themselves, and we've told them how we're going to go about it, including what training session they are going to do.

"They've managed to do their own warm-ups, gone into game situations, how they would want to play, and they've taken a lot of responsibility themselves. They've taken that on really well, not only the senior players, but the younger players. They have been organising the senior players too. It's been a really good week."

Jon Meades on facing his former club:

“We are under no illusions, we are in a dogfight. The key to it will be the spirit. We have 11 cup finals coming up and we have to make sure we don’t put in more performances like that. As players, we need to give the fans something to shout about as well.”