EFL announce partnership with Mind

At its Summer Conference 2018, the EFL has today signed up to the Mental Health Charter for Sport and Recreation signifying the beginning of a ground-breaking new partnership with the mental health charity, Mind.

Mind are the EFL’s new Official Charity Partner from the start of the 2018/19 season and addressed clubs at the Summer Conference, outlining its plans to help promote better mental health to players, managers, club staff and fans.

From the start of next season Mind have committed to working collaboratively with all 72 EFL Clubs as well as each club’s respective Community Trust to offer a support package including mental health workshops, information and resources.

Over the next two years Mind will also work with EFL Community Trusts to reach more people at risk of experiencing mental health problems through wellbeing taster days and programmes delivered in partnership with the charity’s network of local Minds. This work will aim to create a lasting legacy for the partnership locally in the heart of communities.

While there is some fantastic work to support people to get active about their mental health in some local communities, the new partnership aims to see this developed throughout the country, with EFL Clubs expected to play a pivotal role.

Mind were chosen to become the EFL’s Official Charity Partner from the start of the 2018/19 season on an initial two-year term following a robust tender process. Mind will now work closely with the EFL to ensure clubs have programmes in place to support the wellbeing of both staff and volunteers that can be put into practice throughout the footballing calendar.


Paul Farmer, Chief Executive of Mind, said:

“We’re delighted that, as part of its partnership with Mind, the EFL has signed the Mental Health Charter for Sport and Recreation. Signing the Charter, which Mind helped to set up with the Sport and Recreation Alliance and the Professional Players Federation, signifies the EFL’s commitment to using the power of football to bring about real change around mental health, from the elite level down to grass roots.

“We hope that, together, the EFL and Mind can help reduce stigma and create better mental wellbeing within all 72 EFL Clubs, the communities they are a vital part of, and in wider society. We will support the EFL to do this by working closely with each club, through our network of local Minds, to provide simple, practical ways of improving the wellbeing not only of the players, managers and Club staff, but also everyone their Community Trusts reach.”