Oxford United Team Up With The Ridge

Oxford United are pleased to announce a new partnership with one of Oxford’s newest bars.

The Ridge Bar & Grill is a modern restaurant that specialises in grill cuisine and has just opened in the Ozone complex at the fence end of the stadium.

Offering food and drink throughout the week as well as on matchdays, the Ridge is sure to be a popular place with United fans and to mark the partnership we have a fantastic opening offer for season ticket holders.

If you are a season ticket holder then just show your card when ordering and you will get 20% off any food order. 

 Peter Rhoades-Brown, United’s Business Development Manager told us:

 “It’s great to have The Ridge opening right next door to us and brilliant that they want to be part of the club and work with us and the supporters. We will be hosting a networking evening there for our Business Club in the near future and fans can get a discount when they try it as well. I am sure they are going to really like it and we welcome The Ridge to our growing list of businesses who are supporting Oxford United.

Scott Jacobs of The Ridge added:

“We are loving being open in Oxford and because we are right next to the football club we knew right away that we wanted to make their fans feel welcome and be a place they enjoy coming for something to eat and a drink every matchday.

 “We look forward to meeting everyone and hopefully we are part of a very successful second half of the season for the U’s.”

 Find out more here:
