Waterlogged Pitch Sinks Nelson

A waterlogged pitch has sunk Curtis Nelson’s plans for a return to action this afternoon.

Nelson was due to play his first game since rupturing his Achilles in November but heavy rain over the weekend has led to a Development game at Stevenage being called off today.

Nelson was due to partner Mike Williamson in the centre of defence, with Ivo Pekalski also continuing his return in midfield, but the trio will now have to wait for their return to action.

Karl Robinson told iFollow after the game at Shrewsbury yesterday:
“Curtis has trained all week and is ready to play a game again. Whether we will see him in first team action again this season isn’t clear yet but he is doing well and is a natural leader so it is good to have him involved again, and Mike as well. I think we have a lot of leaders in the dressing room and right now we need them all as we go into a very important stage of the season.”