The Wimbledon View

Wimbledon boss Neal Ardley told Wimbledon's official website that he faces some tough decisions against the U's on Saturday.

"I have got some decisions to make. We've got good competition for places. George Francomb has been a part of a really solid back four and he had not done a hell of a lot wrong. Now we've got Callum Kennedy back and Jon Meades is back in training. All of a sudden there is good competition now and George is probably thinking, 'how am I going to get back in the midfield'.

"Tom Soares has come in and done well and so too has young Anthony. Liam Trotter has got better with every game and he has been excellent."

“Anyone who has been watching us in the last five games can see we have been playing well and we look like quite a decent team,” he told Get Surrey.“It’s just been that problem in front of goal and that feeling of scoring.

“We scored some good goals but at the weekend we know it’s going to be a different kettle of fish.There is always a certain amount of naivety in a young team, so obviously you get your chance.

“But we are now up against a good team this weekend who probably aren’t going to be like (that).There are no guarantees for Saturday but we will keep going, keep coaching and hopefully it will come.”

 Former United man Jon Meades is back in training but  Saturday's match is likely to come too soon for him to face his old club.