Retained list update

One of the things fans always look for at the end of a season is the ‘Retained List’: a list of who is staying and who has been released by the club. However, United’s Head Coach Michael Appleton has a slightly different take on this, and has been telling us why the club will be taking their time this year.

“I know fans like to see a retained list,” Michael said, “but it is no longer always a black and white decision. That’s true on both sides: players and clubs both weigh up their options carefully these days so it’s hard to get all those things in line immediately after the season ends.
“We had a very positive season and I don’t imagine wholesale changes to the squad. I have talked with everyone and they all know where they stand. Some of the youngsters – Robbie Cundy, Jordan Graham, Jonny Giles and Miles Welch-Hayes – have been told they won’t be offered a new deal, while the arrival of Scott Shearer means that Benji Buchel will also be leaving us. We thank them all for their efforts and wish them all well.
“Josh Ashby has signed a new one-year deal while he recovers from a knee injury but with everyone else it is a case of wait and see what develops. The situation can change very quickly and we hope to have one or two new faces in soon, exciting players we think will strengthen us in key positions. That obviously changes the picture for the other players and what we can offer them.
“All I would ask is for the fans to be a little patient. We are working extremely hard to get the right mix together to try and ensure we have another successful season.”