Aspire help the U's on the road to Wembley

Aspire back United in the Community

With the big day at Wembley almost upon us  another group of Oxfordshire residents are going to be joining Oxford United for the 2017 Checkatrade Trophy Final against Coventry City.

Oxford United in the Community have joined forces with Aspire, an award-winning social enterprise which provides employment, training and education opportunities to members of the community who are overcoming adversity and complex barriers to employment.

The partnership means that 16 of Aspire’s workforce will be given the chance to get behind the U’s at Wembley on April 2nd.

Paul Roberts COO at Aspire said:

"Aspire is deeply grateful to OxVox, the OUFC supporters’ trust, and to Oxford United in the Community, for their generous contribution to take 16 Aspire volunteers to experience the magic of watching Oxford United play at Wembley. The men and women are hugely excited about this once in a lifetime opportunity; it will be a big step forwards to help them progress and to build their self-esteem and their sense of inclusion in the Oxfordshire community."

Kate Longworth, Head of Oxford United in the Community thanks Aspire for their help:

“As with the donation from Oxvox lastweek it is fantastic to work with Aspire and help people join us at Wembley for the big game. It is such an exciting day not just for the club but also for people all across Oxfordshire and we hope that everyone has a day they never forget.”