Academy Get Kitted Out

There were plenty of smiles last night as the second Academy Evening of the summer saw the players from our age group sides collecting kit and posing for photographs.

Each player from the under 9s right through to under 16s, boys and girls, was invited in to pick up their training and playing kits for 2017/18. As with previous years they then had pictures taken which will be a great record of their time at the club.

Les Taylor, who met every player over the two nights told us:

“It’s great to see them all. They come along with parents, guardians and family and meet their teammates and collect all their kit. I have to say a huge thank you to Claire, Lee and the retail team who have worked really hard to sort out all the sizes: there were 145 people and nine bits of kit to get ready for each of them so it was a massive job.

"Jonny Edmunds then answers any questions they may have before Jackie Cross takes the pictures. Jackie is a pleasure to work with and we know the pictures will be fantastic.

“Everyone gets a break over the summer and then training and matches start again. It’s great to see our new first year scholars already back at work and making the step up to become scholars.”