Hats Off for Christmas

Oxford United have teamed up with a fantastic charity to offer one final Christmas present that will help make a difference.

Every year approximately 15,000 skilled and capable men and women leave the Armed Forces having selflessly served on behalf of their country. The majority transition successfully. But for a meaningful minority the departure from the structured world of the military is not easy, and they struggle. Walking With The Wounded supports these people.

We would like to play our part and so earlier today 15 players chose a hat, signed it and also signed a special Christmas card with them wearing the hat.

Those have gone in to a giant Santa sack and within an hour 15 lucky fans pledged £10 to Walking with the Wounded. They will all now get a hat on Saturday. Pleease note there are no more available.

Our thanks to everyone who bought a hat - we look forward to seeing you before the Wigan game.

If you missed out then you don’t have to buy a hat to help: Text OUFC17 £5 to 70070 to donate to Walking With The Wounded and make a difference today.