Women Face Watford on Sunday

United Women look to get back to winning ways

For the second week in a row Oxford United have a double header with both the men and women’s sides at home on the same day.

Last week both sides took on Millwall away , this Sunday  the men take on Shrewsbury at Grenoble Road before the Women play Watford at Northcourt Road.

With kick offs at noon and 3pm there is a chance to take in both games  and Women’s Manager Andy Cook is looking forward to the game after three difficult away games in a row in the Spring Series.

“It’s nice to be back on familiar ground after three tough away games in a row” he told us. We have had a lot of injuries as well as a suspension to deal with over the last few weeks and obviously results haven’t gone our way.

“ However I do think there are lots of positives to take from recent matches. We have faced the teams in first and second in the table, on their own turfs, and held both of them to within ten minutes of the final whistle.

“We know where we are and where we need to get to, and that will happen in the rest of this series of games and then over the summer ahead of the new WSL season. 

“Having said that, we do want to start winning games as well! Watford will be a great test for us and we expect an open, entertaining game on Sunday.”

Admission is 
Adults (advance): £4.00 (£5 on the day)
U16s/65+ (advance): £1.50 (£2)
£10 for Family Ticket (2 Adults & 2 Under 16s)

There is always a friendly welcome at Northcourt Road, the home of Abingdon United, so get along and support the Women on Sunday.