The Big Question: Who Was United's Best-Ever Midfielder?

Who do you think was the best midfielder to play for the U's

The midfield is the engine room of a side. It makes a team tick and provides creativity, as well as both defensive and attacking cover.

There have been some great midfielders who have worn the Yellow shirt: Trevor Hebberd won the Milk Cup final man of the match award, with Ray Houghton alongside him; Jim Magilton won plaudits from all and sundry for his passing and vision, while Micky Lewis did the dirty work; Ron Atkinson captained the side from the Southern League to the Football League; while Peter Houseman was the stand-out midfielder of the mid-70s. 

All these, and many more, can justifiably claim the title of United's best-ever midfielder. But what do you think? Let us know at @OUFCOfficial using the hashtag #OUFCBigQ and we will publish the best responses in the match programme for the Dagenham & Redbridge game on Tuesday 15th March.