R2R Challenge Sets Off

800 mile cycle ride hits the roads

The R2R Challenge is under way with the team currently riding on day two of their 800 mile bike ride from the Battle of the Somme to the Kassam Stadium

The team will be cycling along the Western Front of 1914 on a gruelling 800-mile nine-day ride to help raise money for Combat Stress and the Oxford United Community Trust, with Chairmsan Darryl Eales and other Oxford United staff joining on Sunday, 

We are asking supporters to donate £1 at every home game  until the club's Military Day on 19th November. This will help in reaching the £100,000 target set by R2R to help members of the military suffering from stress-related disorders. Text donate at every home game to RRCT22 £amount to 70070.

R2R and Oxford United are not only looking for sponsors, but also for support riders to join the team along the final leg of the route, from London to Oxford on Friday 5th August. If you are interested in joining the team on this last leg of the journey, please email R2RCombatStress@hotmail.com.

You can also donate to the team at THE R2R JUST GIVING PAGE

EVERYONE at the club joined in this week to complete the 22 Press Up Challenge, with skipper John Lundstram passing that challenge on to every United fan: