U's Get Set For Accrington

Michael Appleton looks ahead to Tuesday night

Oxford United head for Accrington on Tuesday night looking to extend an unbeaten away record that runs back to October. The U’s last lost on the road at Carlisle and on the back of an exciting 1-1 draw with Luton at the Kassam Stadium on Saturday are looking to keep the momentum going after three games unbeaten.

“I think from a  performance point of view you’ve got to be delighted” Head Coach Michael Appleton told Yellow Player when reflecting on the Luton game today. “We probably created as many chances as we have done in any previous games and it was as good a performance as any this season. The result didn’t go our way and I said to the players after that I didn’t think that was any fault of their own. Things went against us on the day but we still took a point from a strong side.

“We knew we had to have a real go at them and it was an open game but I didn’t feel uncomfortable. I felt we were more on the front foot and had the chances to win and we need to keep that going and be positive up at Accrington.”

Stanley have lost five games on the trot and Manager John Coleman has said that Tuesday’s game is the biggest of his career. Michael is under no illusions about the size of the task facing his side:

“People look at that run they have had and say they are going to win one at some point, so we have to be highly focussed. We know they are going to be motivated because the manager has come out and made a bold statement that it’s the biggest game of his career. That’s one hell of a statement and we know what to expect. The first 20 minutes are going to be crucial but we are on a good run away from home and it’s a game we are looking forward to.”

Right-back Richard Brindley is expected to be fit for the U’s after limping off during Saturday’s game. Full preview to follow right here on Tuesday morning. See Michael's full interview plus a fantastic 'Preview Show that's not really a Preview Show' all in Yellow Player now.