Kayleigh Hines to leave Oxford United Women

Midfielder moves on

Oxford United Women can confirm the departure of midfielder Kayleigh Hines.

Kayleigh, 24, joined United in August 2013 after returning from a spell in America with Women's Premier Soccer League side Millburn Magic.

Since joining United, Kayleigh  over the last two seasons has been a key player on and off the field. Today she will be leaving the U’s to join Reading FC Women, to become an full time professional footballer and play in the WSL 1 for an undisclosed fee.

Manager Les Taylor said “Kayleigh has been a pleasure to work with on and off the field and would be a loss to any club, but she leaves with everyone’s best wishes. As a club we work hard on retaining key players like Kayleigh and only a week before an interest was shown, Kayleigh had signed a new two year contract with the U's but  Reading offered Kayleigh a chance to be a full time professional footballer and play in WSL 1, which every football player dreams off. It was important to us as a club that we did the right thing for Kayleigh, for her career and personal development , so with that in mind we agreed to her transfer".

Les carried on to say "We have a number of talented players coming through the girls development pathway and that are involved in the England set up, so with the opportunity Kayleigh has been offered it shows all the young players at the club that if they grow into the right person and work hard on and off the pitch, they too could get a chance like Kayleigh has been given"

We would also like to thank Kayliegh for her hard work, commitment on and off the field  and her true professionalism while at Oxford United. We wish her the best of luck in the next chapter of her footballing career