Boxing Day Programme

More great reading for the visit of Exeter City

On Boxing Day, Oxford United entertain Exeter City at the Kassam (3pm) and we have produced a wonderful memento of the game.

Our matchday programme includes an interview with the club's leading scorer Kemar Roofe, who tells us about his Christmas routine and how the season has gone so far. We also talk to former Exeter midfielder Liam Sercombe, who says what the match means to him, and Andy Whing, who gives us the low-down on his new role and his decision to retire.

We have extensive notes from Executive Chairman Darryl Eales, a look back to Boxing Day 1985 when United beat Southampton 3-0 in the top flight, more match action than you can shake a stick at, and all our usual stats, opposition profiles, and general United-related reading that you all love so much.

Our competitions page is a special treat. Because it's Christmas and we love you, you can win a CD/DVD of Nowhere, by Oxford's very own Ride. A fantastic album by a fantastic band.

You can buy the 64-page programme from sellers around the ground and in the club shop, or get the online version from from 1pm on matchday (9 am for subscribers).