Last chance to back the Oxford United Movember Team

Team aim to raise £1,000 through Movember campaign

Movember is coming to an end and Team Oxford United are close to losing their splendid ‘taches.

The team of United’s Club Secretary Mick Brown and fans Jamie Brown, Ashley Clark and Andy Wilmer have been growing moustaches all month to raise awareness and funds for the Football League’s chosen charity Prostate Cancer.

Over the last few years Movember has raised £345 million and funded over 800 programmes in 21 countries and Oxford United are very proud to be playing their part.

The OUFC team have raised £728 online and with personal pledges that tally could rise to £1,000 - but only if you give then one final shove. It’s a fantastic cause and even if it’s just a couple of pounds, it all helps. All you have to do is click here: