Last Chance to Name the Bar

Vote now for the matchday bar name at Oxford United

Today is your last chance to vote for the new name for the supporters' match-day bar. 

 The bar, situated in the South Stand, is being re-named this season as part of new plans by the Yellow Army.
 After a great response from fellow fans for name ideas, the suggestions have been totted up and the overwhelming top three are: 

  • Bar 86
  • The Manor Bar 
  • Moody's
 Fans now have until 6pm today,  Wednesday July 9 to vote for their favourite name for the bar. 

 You can vote via any of the following mediums: 

●By Tweeting your choice to the Yellow Army Twitter feed @YellowArmyOUFC
●By leaving a post on the Yellow Army Facebook page.  

The Yellow Army raises funds to improve the match-day experience and to financially support the Youth and Community Trust and the bar forms an important focal point for many fans on a match-day.  

The bar is free for season ticket holders and £1 for all other guests.