Tareiq Loan Deal Extended

Left-back's loan extended at Oxford United

Oxford United have had an early Christmas bonus with the news that Charlton Athletic have agreed to extend Tareiq Holmes-Dennis’s loan at the U’s until the end of the season.

The young left-back has been in excellent form ever since arriving at the club in the middle of October and has completed the paperwork to take his loan beyond the original January deadline.

“I’m really pleased to stay” he said. “The whole club has been so welcoming, the fans have been great and I have thoroughly enjoyed myself. It has been good to play regular first team football and I am looking forward to helping the team push on in the second half of the season.”

United Head Coach Michael Appleton was equally pleased:

“Tareiq has not only shown real maturity but to show the level of consistency he has done is remarkable in someone so young. People forget that he hadn’t played a senior game at all until he came here but he has slotted straight in and been excellent. Now we look forward to seeing him continue to progress over a longer period.”

At the same time midfielder Brian Howard has been told that his contract will not be extended beyond January and he is free to look for another club.

“He is a good pro” Michael said “and out of respect we have been straight with him and given him as much time as possible to find another club in January. We wish him well for the future.”