Download Portsmouth Matchday Magazine Now

Online Portsmouth magazine available

Today's excellent matchday magazines is now available for download from

Our usual 84-page edition is crammed full of interviews, history, stats and all the news from around the club. We have a full-length interview with Carlton Morris, while Sam Long and Alex Jakubiak also get their say and Michael Raynes reveals the damage he did to his first motor. Our regular On This Day page has action from the top flight - see if you can recognise the United player in the photo on page 65 - while the 30 Years Ago season gets underway with images from United's win at Huddersfield.

The next stop on our travels around the world is Canada, where Mark Watson is the main man, while closer to home our travels this season commenced at Bristol City, which is the subject of our new-look On the Road feature.

CEO Mark Ashton's notes are so extensive that he required a double page to get everything in, while head coach Michael Appleton and skipper Jake Wright are more restrained but equally erudite.

All this, and much more, can be yours for just £3 from from It's not too late to guarantee your copy by subscribing - email or call 01865 337523 for details.