Vote now for September's Top Goal
Eagle-eyed viewers will have seen The Wall appear on this site yesterday.This is a BETA test of a new area of the site that allows us to pull together content from the club's official website, You Tube, Yellow Player, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts. It also allows us to interact with fans and bring the best content that supporters post on to the web to a wqider audience.
Since this is still in the testing stage we ask you to bear with us, but as Chris Williams, the club's Communication Manager told writes:
"We want to be at the forefront of new ideas and are very pleased to be one of just 12 clubs testing The Wall. It is great that the Football League think highly of the club and are willing to let us share this new technology with the fans. We are exploring the different ways we can use it, but the first thing we thought of was a Goal of the Month poll to introduce fans to the Wall. At the moment it is just a small link at the top of the home page to take you to The Wall but if all goes well this will become more prominent. So far the feedback has been very positive."
Take a look at the goals below, then click on Yellow Wall to cast your vote