The Verdict

Chris Wilder on Rotherham

There were no excuses  from Chris Wilder last night as his side were well beaten by promotion chasing Rotherham. Four goals in the last fifteen minutes of the first half gave the Millers a 4-0 win and afterwards the United manager was typically honest in his appraisal.

“There was a lot of emotion flying about the place and to be 4-0 down at half time is not a nice feeling” he told Yellow Player. “People talk about the system and I take full responsibility for that but in terms of the goals conceded they were nothing to do with the system. They were a free header from a corner, a deflection, and a couple of bits of bad defending.

“Before that we had a great chance for Sean Rigg and I thought we started the game off pretty brightly. It was an end to end game, we didn’t secure the ball a couple of times and then all of a sudden after a mad 15 minutes we found ourselves completely out of the game.

“ In the bigger picture we have played three top sides and I think Rotherham are the best of the lot. Not just tonight but in terms of everything they have got. I would think Steve will be a little bit disappointed not to be a little bit higher up in the league with the players they have got because they have got Championship players. We made it a bit easier for them in that 15 minutes and they punished us harshly. When you let good players have a four goal lead it’s difficult to contain.

“They punished us and fair play to them because if you look through their side they have some players who shouldn’t be anywhere near this league. That’s taking nothing away from them because they worked very hard and played really well.

“We have taken an average of two points from the last three games so we just have to dust ourselves down and get on with it. Everyone is happy to take the pats on the back when we beat Gillingham and Port Vale. Better teams than us get beaten at home, these things happen in football and the biggest thing is always how you recover from it. Now we have to go again on Saturday at Torquay. “

See the whole interview plus Andy Whing’s reaction and match highlights all in Yellow Player.