Help a Hero

The Yellow Army is today launching an effort to raise funds to purchase U’s legend Dave Langan’s Milk Cup and Division 2 winners medals.

OxVox recently spoke with U’s legend Dave Langan and were sad to learn that he’s been forced to put his medals and international caps up for sale due to financial difficulties.

Dave needs no introduction to Oxford fans after playing a large part in the most successful period in the club’s history. Following years of suffering pain from injuries, which were sustained during his football career, he now finds himself with housing difficulties and needing to raise £10,000 to buy a mobile home for him and his wife to live in.

Dave has agreed to sell his Milk Cup winners medal and Division 2 championship medal to OxVox if fans can raise at least £5,000. The medals would then be put on permanent display at the club to celebrate his huge contribution to Oxford United. Dave has agreed to allow fans two months to raise the cash. If the £5,000 minimum target is not met he will then have to put them up for auction.

As OxVox chairman Mark Sennett explains, the Yellow Army is now asking fans to donate to the fund, which will not only forever protect a much-valued artefact, but also raise vital funds to keep a roof over the head of one of the club’s most cherished legends. 

Mark said: “It’s sad to see such a great servant going through difficulties like this, especially such a great man like Dave. When I spoke with him he was thrilled that we offered to help. This is exactly the type of thing the newly established Yellow Army was set up to do. Our aim is to bring the club, fans and players (past and present) closer together.

“So I’d urge all Oxford fans, if you have any money you can spare, please do donate to the fund. We want to raise at least £5,000 but we hope to raise even more. Your generosity will not only provide Dave with vital funds for a new home, but also allow him and all of you to enjoy his medals forever when they go on proud display at the club. 

“Now is a great opportunity to abide by the club’s new mantra of ‘United We Stand’, and to show what the Yellow Army is all about”.

Dave Langan was keen to express his gratitude to fans for the offer of help. He said: “I’d just like to say thanks to Oxvox and the club for getting behind this initiative. It’s given me a huge lift as things are a bit difficult for us at the moment. So all I can say to those of you who kindly donate is… thank you!”

You can donate online by clicking HERE.

Alternatively you can post cheques to: Dave Langan Fund, 41 Henley Road, Sandford-on-Thames, Oxford, OX4 4YW. Cheques should be made payable to OxVox.

The fund will close on 10 September 2013.