A great way to stay in shape
Oxford United's Footie Fitness Courses will be running again from tomorrow evening.
The courses are being run in partnership with Heart Research, Subway, NHS Oxfordshire and the Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group and are focused on helping men with a BMI over 30 to lose weight and become healthier via Footie Fitness.
The ten week course features advice on enjoying a healthy lifestyle, with tips and recommendations as well as weekly exercise sessions based around football.
Last year's course was very encouraging with all participants feeling the benefit of the carefully constructed course content, and there are still places available if anyone else would like to find out more.
The courses are held at Oxford United's training ground at the Oxford Sports and Social Club on Roman Way every Wednesday from 6pm to 8pm and are FREE to join.
Call Chris Lowes on 01865 336134 or email him on clowes@oufc.co.uk for further details or to sign up for the course.