Daggers Drawn

Mickey Lewis looks forward to Saturday

United head for Dagenham tomorrow looking to end the season on a high. The U’s have three games left, with Rochdale at home and Accrington away to come, and will be going flat out in every one of those games according to Assistant Manager Mickey Lewis.

“The approach will be no different” Mickey told Yellow Player. “We are methodical in everything that we do and that won’t change for these last three games. I think players should be the same and I’m sure that they will be. They have trained really well this week and if I were a player I would be wanting to impress. If I was out of contract I would want to earn a new one or show other clubs what I am about, and if I had a two year deal I would want to play well so I’m in the team next season. There is everything to play for still.”

The U’s will be without James Constable, JP Pittman and Harry Worley as their injury hit season continues:

“James got an impact injury on his ankle, JP has an on-going problem with his hamstring and Harry picked up a back injury this week. Sean Rigg is 50/50  after an ankle injury.” Mickey said. “It has been crazy. But we are not making excuses and it is an opportunity for other people”. 

The biggest decision is whether to recall Michael Raynes, who had been in fine form before serving a one game suspension against Wycombe or stick with the experience of Michael Duberry at the back;

“That’s the one area of the pitch on Saturday where we have got an option” Mickey told us. “There is a decision to make which could go either way really. They are both good players so we will wait and see on that one. There is an opportunity for a couple of young boys to be on the bench and maybe got some time on the pitch as well.”

It is never an easy game at the Daggers and United will need to look sharp;

“Whenever you go to Dagenham you know you are in for a hard game. John Still has moved on but it won’t be any different. It will be hard, they have some good players there and are always a team that go to the end so I don’t expect an easy game at all. But we will be going for the win and going for all nine points still available this season.”

See more of this interview plus Andy Whing and Luke O’Brien’s thoughts in the Preview Show, all in Yellow Player right now.