
Back the Oxford United team in Support of Prostate Cancer UK

Oxford United are proudly sitting in second place in the Movember fund raising table. 

Each season, Movember raises awareness and millions of pounds for men’s health with Prostate Cancer UK being Movember’s prime beneficiary partner in the UK.  

With the support of its 72 clubs, The Football League and Prostate Cancer UK are aiming to raise both money and awareness of prostate cancer and promote a positive message for men’s health.  One in nine men will develop prostate cancer at some stage in their life and every hour someone dies from the disease.

Fans of each of the League’s 72 clubs are being encouraged to play their part in their club’s own Movember ‘team’, with a challenge to see which set of supporters can sign-up the most fans and raise the most money.  Last season fans from across professional football raised more than £50,000 and  the challenge is on to smash that figure.

This season United have currently raised £822 for this cause, with only Birmingham City ahead of them in the table.

It's Club Secretary and General Manager Mick Brown who is leading the way, rolling back the years to his mid 80's heyday with a retro tache, with sponsorship of £660 so far. Mick told us:

"It's going very well. We have also has people sponsoring us and donating at matches so the total is actually more than the online one, and the money goes to such a great cause. Goalkeepers Wayne Brown and Max Crocombe are now part of the team and have been growing taches, and the lads in the Youth and Community set up are also doing it so this is a whole club effort."

We would love to break the £1,000 mark for sponsorship. Click HERE to donate

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