Chris Wilder writes

The manager's notes in today's matchday magazine

After a disappointing display on Tuesday night we get the chance to make amends today as we welcome Torquay United.

We were all very unhappy with the result in midweek after a decent run of results beforehand. Having won away at Wycombe and Barnet as well as our last home game we went into Tuesday's match against Dagenham with high hopes, only to come away with nothing. Fortunately none of the top ten sides won that night so we didn't lose ground as we look to close the gap on those clubs. I think we created enough chances  to get something out of the game, especially late on where only a last-minute save denied us a point.

You always want to win every home match, but if you are not at your best then you need to make sure you get something out of the game, something we emphasised to the players in the dressing room after. You can't be expected to be on top form in every single game, but over the last few years we have done well in grinding out results if needed. Ask any manager in this league and they will tell you that you never get an open free-flowing game against Dagenham, but on the night we didn't show enough quality to break them down in an ugly game.

We conceded three goals from set-pieces, which gives any opposition a lift, while we feel that every goal we score we are creating for ourselves. It was good to see Tom Craddock finish well for his two goals and on another day James Constable would have scored as well. I believe James is due to get his Player of the Month award, and Tom is nominated for the League 2 award for October, and the partnership they are forging is very encouraging to see.

It was also encouraging to see Liam Davis come back on Tuesday, with JP Pittman having played 60 minutes last Saturday and featuring again against Dagenham. We are starting to get players back and competition for places is starting to hot up, which will again help us to keep moving forward. We hope that Alfie Potter will be involved again today after missing out on Tuesday with a tight hamstring.

A win today would take us just two points behind Torquay, who are up there in seventh place. This league remains incredibly tight and provided we keep our belief and stick to our principles we know we can get a run going and start making up the ground. Nobody is running away with it at the moment and we have faith that we can be right up there in contention when it really matters.

Obviously we know that a lot of fans went away from here very disappointed on Tuesday which just makes us even more determined to put it right and get a positive result this afternoon. Get behind the team and let's go home today smiling after a job well done.
